Nenna Yvonne: Blue Magic

Monday, January 31, 2011

I practically live at the apple store. I have to have all their latest gear. LOL. Mac has the best computer software for programming..

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'm hotta then a summer day in Africa ..
Nenna Yvonne sponsored by Fender/ MySpace Records/Interscope and Toyota Rock The Space Finalist. Check it out!
2 weeks till the Grammy's and Nenna Yvonne will be in the building!
Finally Dtox and Nenna Yvonne have completed the final Remix of 'Go Around' for radio! Get ready guys! Valentines Day!!! It's Official!!
My favorite male actors would have to be Sean Penn and Matt Damon. My favorite female actors would have to be Halle Berry and Angelina Jolie..
Go Around on Youtube
V.P. Editor in Chief of Billboard Magazine tweeted about Nenna Yvonne. Check it out here. Please join me on twitter.

Friday, January 28, 2011

OMG here is my very first EPK from about 3 years ago at around how time flies..
Just got my tix for the Grammy. Now waiting for a call back from Flo Rida and Chris Brown for a feature on Go Around..
Just bought a new pair of Jimmy Choos in Beverly headed to the Mac store to grab a macbook air..hmm..suggestions?
I have the most amazing fans ever!!!!!! Check out this post from a fan in Australia:

fireflyfelicia Felicia Strano.
@nennayvonne Your music is Amazing!! Keep up the great work I'm from Australia by the way and We love you!! Xoxo
Out of 20,000 submissions Nenna Yvonne was the only female artist selected in the top running for Rock the Space Competition sponsored by Myspace/ Toyota/ Fender and Saatchi&Saatchi.
Were closing it at 300,000 youtube views in just two weeks. I am so happy and grateful to see fans supporting my single 'Go Around' which by the way is available on itunes.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Writing/arranging new songs, talking to a few radio stations, working on a new TV song placement, making check out to my team and dealing with my monthly.ahhhh..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

“Anyone can give up. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength"
High school was full of pressures and demands. You not only have to be academically gifted but artistically as well. Then forget the peer pressure and transition from being a teen to an adult. I'm so happy that my songs are helping some very special fans get through these tough yet exciting years! Keep pushing guys!! You know who your NY
Just finished watching the sunset by the Pacific Ocean at the beach in North Pacific..breath taking..
Watching SNL. Can't wait to perform live and meet Tina Fey!! She's awesome!!
It's amazing how one kid with a vision was able to develop a social medium like facebook that has influenced the world. We would never have known about Egypt
A special thank you to my mom for allowing me to turn her home basement into my work studio, providing food, shelter and money for myself and Dtox and never once complaining about all the late night recording and Dtox banging playing the keyboard and drums until 6 a.m. We LOVE you to pieces!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One of my biggest influences as an artist would definitely have to be Cyndi Lauper. I love her voice, personality and sense of style!
250,000 views on my single 'Go Around' in just one week on Youtube! It has reached top 80 honored videos on Youtube this week!! Don't forget to subscribe!
A special thank you to all the fans who comment and purchased the single 'Go Around'
Nenna Yvonne featured on Route Note
Nenna Yvonne on GayDar NATION Radio
Robert DeNiro is too damn funny on 'The Fockers'
Why is college so expensive?
I remember the first album I ever bought was from Aaliyah 'Age Ain't Nothing But A Number'..still listen to it till this day..
More and more blog sites are starting to feature the song on their blog pages! Check them out here!!
Nenna Yvonne featured Artist on RouteNoute.
Nenna Yvonne 84 - Most Viewed (This Week) - Musicians Youtube.
Surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you each day to achieve your greatest potentials..
Nenna Yvonne on Gaydar Nation...
I've decided that when I'm old and tired and can't rock the stage anymore I'm going to become and entertainment lawyer and pass the knowledge on to the newcomer

Monday, January 24, 2011

I find myself listening to the alternative rock stations more and more for real moving music these days..
Ryan Tedder from One Republic is just a music genius..He is so clever with combining soul, rock pop, amazing lyrics and instrumentation. Need to work with him..
My weakness: Children and animals..
When you work for yourself you have to answer to yourself. Any mistakes or distractions falls back on you. LOVE my job.Love music. Can't help but stay dedicated

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I LOVE this one Nissan commercial with the Polar bear who travels from the North Pole to give this guy a hug for using a Hybrid car. Save OUR
Nenna Yvonne on Pop Dirt and Hello Cotton..I'm taking over the web baby!!! Support my single 'Go Around' on itunes! Remix available on Valentines Day!!!
Okay so in less then one week my single 'Go Around' on my youtube channel has over 200,000 views from Germany all the way to Hong Kong!! Thank you guys for supporting, commenting, purchasing and watching..More to come!! Nenna Yvonne

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Hey 'Model Citizens', were now at almost 200,000 viewers!! Join the fun and subscribe to my Youtube!! Next week I post webisodes of me in the studio doing what I do best!!
Respect The Grind!!
Some of these Hollywood girls won't respect the grind. To them hard work doesn't equate top anything because they've been handed everything their whole lives. All i can do is force a smile cause they'll never know what it feels like to work for 32 hours straight then get up at 6 am for classes the next day..Respect The Grind!!
Big shout out to Dirty South TV for the feature and interview today! I appreciate the love!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Who else LOVES Chelsea Lately?
I LOVE BILL MAHER!!! He is a genius!!!
I LOVE LA weather..everyday is a beautiful beach day..makes me feel great!!! Ready for anything!!
Nenna Yvonne music video single 'Go Around' featured on Diasporaw it is..!!!
Nenna Yvonne featured Artist on RumorPlectro blog Spot ..Check it out!!
Nenna Yvonne featured Artist on Hello Cotton..Check it out!!
Remember guys! I am an Indie Electro Pop artist. I am self funding my own career and releasing my own written music through Interscope Digital Distribution
Did you know that Nenna Yvonne and Nicki Minaj went to the same highschool. Fiorello H. La Guardia Highschool of Music and Arts. She graduated 6 years before me
I have an interview with Flavour Mag in 15 minutes. A very popular urban music magazine in the UK. Check back on for the feature article
Count down to the Grammys!! Hmm, what should Nenna Yvonne wear? Maybe I will have celebrity stylist Jazzy Bella style me for the big night!!
I have decided that this year I am going to learn another foreign language. I want to record a song completely in another language..I'm thinking French
I Love my twitter followers..they are quick to come to my defense and they always represent that 'Model Citizen' lifestyle..I LOVE it
Sometimes less is more..if you don't have a million in the bank how are you going to tell me how to make a million? Dtox

Thursday, January 20, 2011

In the studio with Dtox working on the remix for 'Go Around'. Release date will be announced in February so check back to itunes for updates!!
Nenna Yvonne - Featured Artist on Pop Dirt!! Here it is!!
Join me on my quest to pop super stardom!!
I'm not trying to sell you dream like most pop artists with the wigs and fake personalities to sell a record. I'm showing you the reality of my hardships as an artist on the grind..Nenna Yvonne
I lived off of 2 dollar cheese sandwiches for over a year and locked myself in my mother's basement to record my EP 'Model Citizen' and a collection of other songs. NEVER once did I complain. 1 year later those same songs are on MTV with over 5 million viewers. Nenna Yvonne
Unfortunately for some with age DOESN'T come wisdom..
This weekend I am going to visit an animal shelter to help with cleaning up the cages. I also want to adopt 5 adorable dogs and find some very lucky fans to give them away to for a new loving home..Is this you?
Building my own in house vocal booth with Dtox and a few handy men. I say if you want it done right, you just have to it yourself.. Will post the behind the scenes in a sec here....
My father is a huge influence in who I am as an artist..
Were now at 150,000 viewers on Youtube!! Stay tuned for live streaming of Nenna Yvonne in the studio in a few days!! YAy!!!!!!
Cop that single 'Go Around' From LA to UK..on itunes!!!

US iTunes link -

UK iTunes link -
Born in Nigeria, Raised in New York..Making waves all across the globe..From LA to Norway..
6 degress of true.. Kevin Bacon
Big shout out to ALL my TRUE fans who have been supporting Nenna Yvonne since day one and went and bought that single 'Go Around'. I truly appreciate the support!! See you on a stage near you soon!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Nenna Yvonne is gaining so many new features. So far I have over 2,000 viral Artist features. The newest one is from Rico and Mambo! Check it out!!
I saved every penny I had to make my music career happen. I sacrificed everything I have to get to this point! I guide my heart through my struggles- Nenna..
Winged Caped Model Citizen Butterfly Princess..Ready to reek havoc on these phony suckers..LOL
Opinions are like assholes..everyone's got one..LOL
Don't forget to Join My Page where we can discuss music, entertainment and much more below:

My Single 'Go Around' is available on itunes as well. Please purchase this hot party record for 2011 and share amongst your friends and family!
Over 55,000 views and my newest 'Model Citizen Fans' are asking .."Who is Nenna Yvonne, she rocks soo hard~!!!"
Nenna Yvonne featured on Black vibes
Nenna Yvonne featured on Black vibes
Nenna Yvonne featured Artiston the 9 Elements Blog!! Make sure to check it out, comment and repost!!
I was recently featured on Electro Queer front page, now check out my latest feature on "Bigger Then Beyonce"
Over 50,000 views on my music video for my single 'Go Around in just 5 days!!! Check it out!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

I LOVE Asians..very awesome people!
Love you guys..that's word to everything..LOL
More blogs featuring Nenna Yvonne
Dtox+Nenna Yvonne=Unstoppable
Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do
Nenna Yvonne on MTV
Add my widget to your page:Nenna Yvonne
Nenna Yvonne featured on 'I Love Pop Music'
Nenna Yvonne featured on more UK entertainment blogs!! Check it out!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A big shout out to my little sister. She broke her leg on the track and field but she's a trooper! It's in the blood! Happy Martin Luther King to the rest of ya
OMG!! Nenna Yvonne is top 50 pop artist on Youtube In the U.S.A with my music video 'Go Around' and also top honored Global views in Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom and Hong Kong!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Even a Brick wants to be something -Loui Kahn
I need you guys to keep supporting Nenna Yvonne!! We gotta get REAL music back on the stations..Main stream with substance!
Scared money don't make money- Rick Ross
I'm a super hero with the heart of doesn't matter where I go cause you already know. I'm a Model Citizen!!
Nearly 90,000 viewers on the Nenna Yvonne Youtube!! Make sure to subscribe now!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hey Everyone!!! I want to officially announce the release of the music video for my single 'Go Around' available on itunes!!! Check it out!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Guess what? I am going to the Grammy's this year!!!
New manager is Vice President of marketing for Geffen and Interscope.and former MCA records...So excited!!!
Signed to Interscope. Budget: 120,000..First time in history for Indie artist..hahah
Over 2 million listeneners on Myspace, 82,000 viewers on Youtube, hundreds of new fans on itunes and thousands of new Twitter and Facebook Fans! Thank you guys!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My definition of family is the people who cared about you when you were nothing and had nothing. They guide and advice you without trying to corrupt, manipulate and use you. They saw your every day potentials and value your abilities when no one else can and support your desires. they don't cut you down to make themselves feel better but want to build you up and help you progress every day.
I do what I want, when I want, how I want! My career, my life, my rules. No exceptions.
Take pride in what you have. There's plenty of people who would love to have what you possess.
Decided to get 2 more tattoos..
It seems to me like every member of the Jackson family, from the mother all the way down to distant relatives is trying profit off of poor MJ's death. It's so unfortunate the way people use and abuse you so i decided to write a song on his show I genuinely miss and wish he were still around. He is one of my biggest inspirations of all time.

Tribute song from Nenna Yvonne dedicated to Michael Jackson's Death

Tribute song from Nenna Yvonne dedicated to Michael Jackson's Death

Tribute song from Nenna Yvonne dedicated to Michael Jackson's Death

I wrote this song as a tribute to Michael Jackson passing...I hope you guys like it..

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious..even though the sound of it is something quite precocious..LOL
SMH?Man Tries To Kill Girl Friend By Filling Her Vibrator With Gun Powder...LMAO!!!
These past few weeks have been really tough on my voice with all the travels and constant weather change. My voice is my instrument and I am grateful to have it
Say cheese!!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

"You can't photoshop personality." - Stephan Keating
Watching the origination of the meaning behind 'pirating'.The movie 'Pirate Radio' took place in the 60's when Rock and Roll was banned from Britain's BBC radio
Bill Maher is a genius..
I may not have the big fancy studio with the million dolllar budget but I make the most of what I've got..
They keep coming back for must be doing something right..
I'm growing sick of 'Love' movies...
Would you believe I was once a security guard for the new Yankee Stadium in NYC. I met Steinbrenner before he passed..RIP

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Don't Judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.-Robert Louis Stevenson
"Whatever you fear most has no power - it is your fear that has the power."
-Oprah Winfrey
VP Editor-In-Chief of Billboard Magazine, Bill Werde,tweeted about Nenna Yvonne's music
Go purchase that single 'Go Around'. Soon the new version featuring Nicki Minaj will be available for purchase!!
Check out my partner IAMDTOX new website. Pretty dope! Follow him on
Nenna Yvonne featured on IMO Express
New music..

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What do you guys think of a collaboration with Nenna Yvonne and Nicki Minaj?
Nenna Yvonne aka NY aka Nu Yu aka N Weezy aka Weezy..hahah..all my alias..
Texting with my dad is sooo much fun. It feels like I'm talking to my brothers..hahah
Lemon fish with mango, pineapple and bell peppers for dinner..yum

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wow! First official day of the release of my single 'Go Around' and my itunes is blowing up!! This song is hottt!!!! BIG thank you to fans everywhere digging and supporting the music!! Look for my hit single 'Go Around' on every hit MUSIC station in your area soon!!!!
BIG thank you to fans in Hong Kong, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, Australia and Egypt!! So cool to keep you guys smiling with the music!!!
OMG I can't believe I was featured on the front cover page of Electro Queer!!! They are such a well respected, Electro Pop Magazine. They have also featured top selling pop acts such as Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Janet Jackson and so on!!!
D-Tox: Assistant Executive Manager/Producer. Hahah..Stunting is a habit.
Yay! My new TV screen and printer/faxer arrives today! Now I can get all my paperwork and publishing forms filled out..

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Got the American flow with the New York swag, my international hustle with so much class.
Check out The NEW and IMPROVED Victorian Music Group Myspace designed by IAMDTOX.
Nenna Yvonne on Last FM

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Currently listening to Neon Trees 'Animal'
Looks like I'm getting either a white or black diamond for my birthday...which would you choose?