Nenna Yvonne: Blue Magic

Monday, May 31, 2010

Eminem is a genius..
I LOVE grilled corn on the cob!
A smart girl knows to always surround herself with people who are wise and driven! Their positive energy will feed into your life as well!
In a world where everyone is "givin" it up and "gettin' it on" to get to the "next level", I am proud to say I NEVER will or had to walk that lonely road!Amen!
Only the strong survive!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Facebook is like having one big conversation with the world and everyone on a blind date. LOL! People who don't know a thing about you start emailing u!
More Buzz on Nenna Yvonne
People tell me to look for an escape other then music but they don't understand that music is my escape. Politics,Religion,Race and Sexuality all involve music!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Out at this beautiful Indian Restaurant with my friend Jude..
I think their is favoritism on Facebook. Its funny how Lady Gaga has her own customized page with banners and the rest of us aren't good enough to have that!
If I'm usually on the move and I have a great idea for a song, I record it on my voicemail for later but somehow my phone deleted my recording! I'm so mad!!
Just got a knock from the next door neighbors. Apparently my music woke her sleep! Sorry! Ill keep it down..heheh
With my songs, the melodies and lyrics come almost instantaneously.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Submitting for the MTV Africa Awards. Wish me luck!
Dtox says my voice is very dynamic.
Dtox is the KING of harmonies!
A good indication of cultural survival is the continued use of traditional languages and dialects. People who are unable to readily communicate because of language differences are more likely to maintain cultural differences as well. Linguists estimate that the world's peoples speak 5000-6000 languages. The most common "native" language is Mandarin Chinese. English is a distant third.
I might've been born at night but not last night!
If I ever have a daughter I think I'm gonna name her Liv..Such a pretty and simple name!
Nenna Yvonne featured on a major South American Blog Site, check it out!!
Nenna Yvonne Featured in Forbes Magazine!
I know it's times you sit back and wonder why it hasn't happened for you yet! You work so hard and push so hard and it seems like the next chick just skates right right,glides right through and you're thinking "what am I to do?"..when they throw dirt on your name and assume the worst of your fame, you want so bad to scream out and push back but you remain strong! You stand there and smile while they spit on your face and ignore your words, your work, but worst of all..your heart..To live in this unfair, unjust world is to be a strong person, a hopeful and strong person. And if you somehow make it half way through successfully, thank everyone around even those who never supported you because they are a part of who you have become and you are the creator of a NEW destiny.
Another movie placement! This time with an international award- winning film! Yay! Can't wait!!
My dad calls me his nocturnal child..LOL
Shout out to Dtox for troopin' it out with me!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I was told today that I look much younger and better in person..LOL! I wasn't sure whether to say thankyou or feel insulted! Oh well! Tis life !
Getting calls left and right to come party tonight but sorry ladies I'm committed to this music thing! Love you girls though! See u soon! Gotta stay on my grind
Grammy Submissions next week! You know Ill be first in line! LOL.hmm what songs do you guys think I should submit? 'In The Past', Some Girls', or 'Model Citizen
Shout out to Serius Satellite for spinning 'Some Girls' what I do next!!!
Shout out to DIM MAK Records for supporting Nenna Yvonne!!
Countdown to Summer Jam and I also have a very special surprise for you guys coming up really soon! Stay tuned!
Bath and Body works had a huge sale and I stocked up on all sorts of scented goodies! Yay!!
Listen to Hot 97 for the Intrigue Summer Anthem by Nenna Yvonne produced by DTox
Feet hurt..Feels like a have dagger in the side of my head. Running around all day. The grind never stops. But Ill never stop. Do it all With a smile on my face
There's nothing wrong in knowing what you want from a very young age and going after it! I wait for No one..

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

African Lady Gag? Wat da heck be in people's mind? How about Pop's newest Icon! Geez! Give a girl some credit! LOL
Discipline. Practice daily for results.
Helping Dtox produce another hot track!!So sick
Nenna Yvonne is searching for the dopest remix to 'Some Girls' for a chance to produce on my full length album! The Search is ON!!!
One thing you guys probably don't know about me is that I was a security guard for Yankee Stadium inauguration.I met Regis and Kelly and Donald Trump from that!
Okay EMI Music..You want me! Show me what you got! You have to outdo what I've already done on my own! Just a little friendly competition! Xoxo
Lawyers,Booking agents, Labels, shows, crazy management with ridiculous contracts! Save me..LOL
Nenna Yvonne and Dtox will be featured on All Music website. Next step is the Grammy!!! yay! Shout out to MTV Viacom and Viacom Brazil for loving Nenna Yvonne
Just got word that i will have my own profile on
Looks like I'm going to have to delete a few of my photos! Facebook even gave me a limit now! LOL.I've done well over 1,000 shoots on my own! Yikes!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Doing dishes,taking out the trash,making dinner while braiding my sisters hair! ..All this and still have time to answer fan emails!. I live the glamorous life..LOL
Trying to change the world all while getting a college degree..
Most prefer to close their eyes,ears and mouth to the things less discussed because it makes them 'uncomfortable'.If we all do how can any of us ask for change?
You can't please everyone! I'm just gonna do me and keep shinin'
Proud of myself that I can set a positive example even amongst those much older and less mature then I.
Some Girls like the weight of the world on them! Sorry if I never feel this way! You think my mind is all you'll ever change! Some Girls Some Girls! Some Girls!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Rihanna is whack! Soon as I get the kind of shine she gettin' , Ill show her who the real pop princess is!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Screw Rihanna! The minute I step into the light I'm shutting her whole shit down! Yea I said it!
Saying of the day: If it's not broken, don't fix it! LOL
Watching Tiesto 'Element of Life' Live Concert on DVD! So amazing!!
Just ate the hottest pepper ever known to man kind..Now I know what it feels like to be in a sleepless coma! LOL

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why do people make such a big deal about interracial dating! Can someone please tell me why is it such a big deal?
Men really are from Mars..
As much as we all like to point fingers at the next person, the fact is that we are all flawed! No one is perfect and that includes you..Now ur perfect :)
Nothing like Vegetable pizza on a saturday morning! LOL..I know! I'm wierd! OH WELLL LOL
Listening to The Clash and MGMT. Their sounds are similar yet decades apart. Amazing stuf!!
Up at 4 am with Dtox working!
Children of Men- A great movieB
Women are the most powerful creatures in existence. We give life.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thinking about getting a tour van an doing a few shows through out the country the indie grass roots style!
Stop for a second. Look around you. If no one is chasing and be thankful for just being you!
'Watch Desert Flower'- A Must see movie about the woman who I look up to Liya Kebede..The movie will change your life!
'Watch Desert Flower'- A Must see movie about the woman who I look up to Liya Kebede..The movie will change your life!
Shout out to Black Tide! Partied with Nenna Yvonne last night!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Even my haters inspire great me to write great songs! LOL Thanx haters! I love you too!
Join me on my fan page for updates and new shows!
Between Dtox and myself we send out hundreds of emails daily to make it all happen. Dedication and persistence is the secret ingredient.
100 % Nigerian Gyal! No preservatives or blended flavors! Hehehe
Yawns are so contagious! LOL
I NEVER STOP! That Nenna Yvonne reign just won't let up!!!!!!
Check out my boy Meecha's Mixtape channel for Nenna Yvonne
Dtox first ticket in NYC! Open Bottle Policy is still in full effect. OH. Boy!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

At club Juliet in NYC partying to my song 'Some Girls' with my girl Greta and my right hand Dtox! Dopeness
I have to fight for every chance toi make my music heard! Its okay cause I don't mind going to war. I was built for this!
Culture and Race are TWO very different things! My race has nothing to do with my cultural choice and music style! People need to wake the hell up!
Paper cuts hurt way worse then anything else!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Did you guys hear about the guy who bamboozled Harvard?
I miss The Rug Rats and Ren and Stimpy. Nickelodeon should bring back those shows! They had positive and fun messages! These new shows remind me of Soap Operas!
It's official! My song 'In The Past' will be in the movie "Ghost Town Lost'. Trailer will follow this week! Now they want me to read for a part in a movie! Wow!
The City comes on in 5 minutes!! Make sure to watch for my hit single "Some Girls"!!
Shoe Game is serious..
So it's looking like my song "In The PAst" is going to be in a major motion picture! In other words, I am going to have my first placement in a movie! I am so hype!! More details to come!!
Just got home about an hour ago from the most amazing show I have headlined so far this year! Club Greenhouse was soo packed! The crowd was live and they loved Nenna Yvonne and Dtox production.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Check out "Some Girls"' on MTV's 'The City' Tonight 10:30 pst tonight!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hollister Girls come in all shades and get with it! Or get lost!
Follow Nenna Yvonne for updates on Movies,Commercials,and Music placements on her twitter.
There are certain times of the year when my skin just GLOWS radiant and this that time of year! I LOVE it!
Is there anything Jamie Foxx can't do?
I love the way coke fizzles right as your pouring it! My favorite sugar water! Yay!!
Attention All European DJs. Contact Nenna Yvonne for Drops and Hot New SONGS!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Here's a cool fact! Like Finger prints, everyone's tongue print is different.
I discover new music sometimes the traditional way and sometimes the not so traditional way. I go out to galas, openings for new bands, and even listen to old record such as "The Supremes" or "the Donnas". Sometimes people have this misconception that music is hidden when it never actually is. You don't have to dig too deep to find a good song or artist for inspiration. I prefer calm settings and listening and observing people, ideas and films before approaching a new concept for a song and usually it works!
Not feeling so good today..
Shattering racial stereotypes one song at a time

Friday, May 14, 2010

Come Get Some!!
I hate when there is too much mayo in my burger..
Nenna Yvonne performing at club GreenHouse this Monday Night.
I just had a fresh mango. It's my favorite fruit. I have flashbacks to my grandmother picking ripe mangos off the tree in her yard for me when I would visit her
TI is back yalllllll.. Amen

Thursday, May 13, 2010

If you love Lady Gaga then check this out
Usher songs stuck in my"It's 7 o'clock on the dot, I'm in my drop top cruisin' the streets.."
Shout out to 107.9 and 87.1 for spinning 'Model Citizen' on the regular
I love the taste of fresh, cold milk. Helps build strong bones too
One day I am going to start a foundation that fights racism,sexism and Homophobia.
Kanye West is a genius.
I can only imagine what the US troops were going through in Iraq. Just finished Jarhead. Amazing movie.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

120 to 88..geez. Boston Celtics vs Cleveland Cavaliers..Boston won!
Ray Allen, Lebron James and Kevin Garnett Rock!!
Cleveland Cavaliers vs Chicago Bulls. Watching NBA Championship on Youtube
Paul Mooney is way too funny..
become a fan.. thanks for the support. Don't forget to purchase the EP "Model Citizen" on itunes and at
Sitting with a special friend talking about music and sports. Won't give you the name but he definitely is a Nenna Yvonne fan and happens to play for the NBA..
Everyone's a critic. I'm trying to show the world a new way of looking at things. It' all for the Love of Music...
Marriage? I'm 20 years old..LOL
Meeting with Universal Motown..Home of LiL Wayne, Drake and Nicki Minaj.. Got em asking who the F*** is Nenna Yvonne? DAMNNNN. Her songs dope. LOL. Fun times..

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

When Dtox starts bobbin' his head, thats how you know you got FIRE..It's another hit! The heart will NEVER lie to the ears. You just gotta listen.
Break over, back in the studio with Dtox. It's definitely a labor of love. No sleep till the it hits the charts! :)
Family Guy is way too funny.. OMG..especially the episode where Quagmire's dad gets a sex change.
Dtox sits at the head of the board room table at Island Def Jam/Universal Records and Nenna Yvonne sits across Lenny S. Executive A&R.I blow em away w/ my voice
Taraji Henson Looks Fab on the cover of Essence Magazine. She is definitely one of my role models
I've created a monster!! DTOX is a beast!! You guys can not even begin to understand how dope he has gotten!! My team is UNSTOPPABLE..New music on another level
Tomorrow is the 80th Annual SESAC Anniversary. Your girl Nenna Yvonne and Dtox(producer extrodinaire) are in the building
I need bad ass singers for Summer Jam 2010. You HAVE TO have a great voice and be smoking hot..LOL..I need you ASAP. Are you out there?
Dtox production all OVER HOT 97 all week long also Dtox will be DJ'ing for the 2010 Summer Jam with special guests and sponsors! It's officially going down!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

I miss you Lauren Hill...more then you know. the way's you've inspired doesn't even make sense! why do i have to listen to Rihanna and Kesha! Please..whatever we did please forgive us! Please
Why in tarnation is college so expensive. I might as well cut an arm and leg off to make up the balance. Lol
Here's a bright idea! The brain operates on the same amount of power as a 10-watt light bulb.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Looking at my baby pictures with my first bike(with training wheels). Can't imagine that those chubby tear stained cheeks was me not so long ago.
For ALL The wonderful mothers on Mother's Day: For All the big and little ways your wisdom,courage,strength and love has made a difference in my life, I love you..
It's Not where you take things from, it's where you take them to..
"In the world of music, nothing sounds wierd"- Dtox

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Nothing is more valuable to me then loyalty. Shout out to Dtox!
MGMT Rocks!!! Can't wait till I get a chance to collab with them. They're so talented.
What beautiful day to perform for a good cause. Today is the link a child concert in Manhattan. Supporting the fund raiser for Nigerian orphan children.

Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm contemplating doing a Youtube cover..Seems like its a growing trend now. But I'd much rather write and record my own hits. I'm built to lead not follow..
First MTV and Viacom diggin' me, Now Hot 97 diggin' me,Next week in the studio with some very special rappers that ya'll probably know, but I can't mention until it happens! Some major moves on way! Dtox production ALL DAY!!
I know I can get a little crazy's part of my unique trademark as an artist but one thing I will never do is lose touch with my fans and supporters. They make the stage, I make the music!
OMG My song is on Hot 97...I'm so happy
Ludacris,Trey Songz,Juelz Santana,Nicki Minaj,DJ Enuff, Gucci Mane,Fabolous,Nenna Yvonne,DJ Khaled,Rick Ross and Usher in the building for Summer Jam 2010..

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Here's something to laugh about. Children 6 years under laugh an average of 300 times a day while adults laugh 15 to 100 times a day.. I guess as you get older life starts to become less humorous..
We all can't be lawyers and doctors right? I know that each person is destined to change the course of history. My gift will become a blessing to even those who have not heard of the name Nenna Yvonne. It's only a matter of time :)
I may not have a Lady Gaga Budget yet but what most of you don't know is that she started the same exact way I did two years ago...
OMG!!!! I cannot wait till you guys hear the songs off my full length album! It ALL sounds so amazing!!!! Shout out to Dtox for having some of the most amazing production ever!!
Dtox and I are having a carwash today and tomorrow to raise money for my "Model Citizen" Campaign! Yay!!!!!
It seems that I'm being compared to Duffy, Rihanna, lady Gaga, Britney Spears on itunes...hmmm
Check this out
Performing my hit single 'Some Girls' off the MTV show 'The City' at the 2010 Summer Jam! Check it out!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Temple Grandin is a must see A young woman with Autism. She finds ways to overcome obstacles facing her disability by channeling her creative energy in helping
Nenna Yvonne performing with Nicki Minaj, Drake, Fabolous,Young Jeezy, Maino and Jim Jones at this years Summer Jam 2010!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

When you're happy I'm happy..nothing brings me more joy then to see you smile
God created me gorgeous inside and out :)
What does it mean to be a "Model Citizen" ? Do you think you're a Model Citizen? If so why and how?
'Skin'-A must see movie! South African Apartheid..Such a wake-up call
New! Nenna Yvonne - Some Girls [Produced by IAMDTOX] on SoundCloud

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Follow me on
Nenna Yvonne on Show Off Radio
LaLa has sold out.. Apple has bought the website for 750 million dollars to keep them at bay for more traffic to Google/Apple..Something about this is starting to scare me..
LaLa has sold out.. Apple has bought the website for 750 million dollars to keep them at bay for more traffic to Google/Apple..Something about this is starting to scare me..
Apparently there was a bomb scare on Times Square. This is the second time this year..

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Yes, I also really love "The Beach Boys"
'Nowhere Boy'.. A MUST See for ALL HUGE Beatles fans. the story Of How The Legendary group came together. It's such an amazing movie.. John lennon and Paul McCartney "Come Together" to form what we know as "The Beatles"..