Nenna Yvonne: Blue Magic

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Years to all my fans all over the world. Those who have celebrated New Years and those getting ready to bring the New year in..Much love from Nenna Yvonne
Had an opportunity to visit Monte Carlo for New Years and didn't go. Oh well! Whose going to party tomorrow night? Looks like I am!! 2011 here I come!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I wish I could save all the doggies in the world..I love dogs..
'Grow up or DIE'- Bill Maher :)
So a fan hits me up today and asks 'who are you? I just heard about you through a friend.' I tell her and she says 'Ur gonna be bigger then Nicki Minaj'..haha

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Year ago today, I was the first female artist to transmit a song from space for eternity. Ironically the song as some of you know is called 'In The Past' off my EP 'Model Citizen'.
The song has travelled 5,875,000,000,000 miles (approximately 9,454,000,000,000 kilometres) from Earth on its journey into eternity.
Hundreds of new and innovative ideas for songs..just waiting for the right timing with the best production and it's a rap...hahah
Small minds discuss people.. Average minds discuss events.. Great minds discuss ideas..
By the grace of God and a ride from my Dad to the airport, I was lucky enough to get a flight back to Los Angeles today. I connected from Washington. Yay

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dad's motto: I don't care how you do it just get it done..LOL
I'm not saying you have to be a saint but to subsequently use ur fame or momentum to string young fans along is stooping way too low. Have some class girls..
If you really need to be seen or heard as an artist, do something positive and lifting for the young and impressionable fans who support your music.
What is it with all these female recording artists leaking their nude photos for the world to see?!! Are ya'll really that desperate for attention? It's sad!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

George Lucas - We had no clue the brains behind the Star Wars franchise was with a black woman. It’s good to know that half of all those billions are going into a black woman’s hands. Wolf Gang Puck, and Robert Ebert are all married to black woman..very cool..
Great! Now my flight to Los Angeles is cancelled thanks to this weather!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Looking for Dub Step Remix DJ's for 'Model Citizen' EP.
Some people don't like to work. They like the idea of being a part of something but not the responsibilities that come with it
I'm a champ. Period! Always have been..ALWAYS will be..
The difference between me and these other 'artists'? I don't have to look to NOONE to cut or clear my checks..hahah! But seriously..ya'll need to stop it!
Hunger : You HAVE to want it!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

I just left evening fellowship prayer at the church I grew up in. It was so lifting to digress the years progress and failures. On ward to a new beginning!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Dad! He was born on December 24th! So proud to be your daughter!! Spending a day with my father is awesome!! Xoxox
According to my twitter fans, my EP 'Model Citizen' is the PERFECT Holiday gift for friends and family! Don't forget to pick up your copy on itunes or Amazon!!
On flight from Los Angeles to New York. Happy Holidays everyone!! ;)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Headed back to NY in the AM for a week with family and friends on Christmas..Hit me up with any parties coming up! Xxx
20,000 views on my 'Don't Know Me' video!! Stay tuned for the second version of the video and 'Behind The Scenes' footage for my single 'Go Around' available January 2011

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

So tonight we are shooting yet another music video for 'Some Girls' and 'Don't Know Me' off the EP at the Mark Twain Hotel in Hollywood. It's gonna be fun!
This is what i call the 'quiet' before the storm...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Volunteering at a homeless shelter in New York this Christmas. I plan to give each person a copy of my EP 'Model Citizen' as well as a hot meal and love and support this holiday season..
I feel like the true purpose of Christmas has been misconstrued with commercials and greed. This year I hope everyone finds the real meaning of Christmas spirit

Friday, December 17, 2010

I am extremely humbled and grateful for the kind and supportive remarks on my music. Every song you hear is written and co produced by me. I truly appreciate you taking the time to listen, enjoy and share with all your friends and family. Music is Love. Thanks again. Don't forget to Join me on
Feeling a bit under the weather these past few days but I managed to pull another 32 hour session working on new songs for MTV licensing and video games.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I just gained 200 more blog features and write ups online at various indie social blog sites. I LOVE how the Nenna Yvonne movement is circulating.
Buy Nenna Yvonne 'Model Citizen' T-Shirt now on ReverbNation
Please join my eventful page for upcoming shows and events with Nenna Yvonne

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Some artists will be around for 3 or 4 years, I am trying to be around for 30 or 40 years,I want to gradually progress with time and perseverance.
It's Official. Nenna Yvonne has signed a Interscope Digital Distribution deal. My debut single 'Go Around' will be available January 4th on itunes and Amazon. The premiere music video will be available as well. Stay tuned!!
Just bought a ton of goodies at American Apparel. 2K on tights, leggings, dresses, blouses, lingerie and accessories..Yikes. I LOVE clothes!!
enna is an uncommon first name for women and an equally uncommon last name for both men and women.
You want to hear God laugh...? Tell him your plans..

Monday, December 13, 2010

The best way to show people it can be done is to make yourself an example. You get what your's all how you use it

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Been singing acappellas and riffs all day. My neighbor just confessed to quietly putting her head to the wall to listen to my voice. I gave her my EP for later.
This Friday I will post acoustic live versions of my EP 'Model Citizen' exclusively for my fans. Happy Holidays xxx Love You guys
I LOVE that Black and Yellow song! By far one of the best produced and overall well arranged hip-hop record I've heard in a while. Shout out to Star Gate!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I LOVE maybelline makeup! Perfect for my skin tone.
OMG! Thankyou to all my supporters on twitter! I am so excited to see my new fans commenting on my EP 'Model Citizen'. Stay tuned for the new single 'Go Around'

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

90 degrees in Los Angeles! It's Winter and it feels like Summer. Love it!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I had a dream that I was learning Japanese and all my Japanese fans were so excited for me to speak in their tongue. Hmm. Maybe I will

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Today we ended up renting a helicopter instead of a H3 Hummer for my music video. The dess
The organic process of film making. Strange hours. Strange people. Strange places.- Chad of Ento Productions

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tired of the assembly line. I refuse to be a part of the rat race. This isn't musical chairs. I'm no longer chasing a dream, I'm living a vision of substance.
I LOVE it when a plan comes together
I LOVE YOU Lebron! I always will! They love you one moment and hate you the next!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Are you listening? I mean are you ears and eyes open? Is your heart open? Nothing is impossible..
We can start all it all again! In 4 weeks we can say we lived out another year of win and lose, high's and lows..What's next for us?..only God knows..

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm back happy to be in U.S.A again..McDonalds here I come! LOL

Monday, November 29, 2010

So it's 6 a.m. here and I am getting ready to make my long journey back to the States. I have learned so much about the Scandinavian culture and people. I am excited to head home and shoot my music video. This January I head to Italy for more real world experiences. See you guys on the other side!
Moving from New York to Los Angeles has been the most difficult thing for me to do this year. To leave my family and friends behind made me nervous. But It was time to start a new chapter in my life. I was nervous and afraid that I might fall. Now I look back and I am so proud of myself. My mother is so excited for me. I went from moving cross country to traveling the world. I am unstoppable.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's easy to stay on the charts when there's no real competition out at the moment..God I can't wait--
The songs flow effortlessly through me when I’m thinking of anything but music. It's when you focus in too tight that you become restricted and forced into a bracket of thoughts and sound. I literally close my eyes and find the words in every rise and fall of the beat. The real art comes from letting yourself go and allowing the sounds to take over your inner thoughts.

Monday, November 22, 2010

British Airways Take off! See you guys in London!;)
So I'm in the check in line at the airport. The line is out the door. This one lady has like 50 pieces of luggage with her..holding up the whole process. SMH..
Thanksgiving in excited and happy to see good friends for the holidays!! Ofcourse planning my tour as well.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My message to Hip Hop distractions... I Love you..but you can't demand something you won't give is about unity not "beefing"...
Every day I wake up and I outdo myself from the day before. I show even the doubters that there is NOTHING this little girl can't do..Nothing's impossible!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Download this free Nenna Yvonne wall paper for the holidays! Hope you like!
I just realized I have over 40,000 songs on my ipod. All different genres from Neil Diamond to U2. To me each song is like a rare gem that I can't live without!
Just bought Anouk Album on itunes..this artist is amazing! Check her out!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Just woke up! Last night's show was so much fun! I had a great time! A special thank you to IAMDTOX , SESAC and Space Cowboy for being there for me.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

TONIGHT! it is going down! Nenna Yvonne takes over Hollywood! EVERYBODY whose anybody will be at the infamous club Roxy on Sunset Blvd. Universal Records, Interscope, Columbia Records, and Warner brothers Records will be in the building. Show love and come watch an amazing show tonight!!! See you then!!
I can't go anywhere without people starring at me! What did I do? LOL

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I LOVE the fact that my fans are of all different backgrounds. I can't wait to meet all of you in your city, your home town! So excited to see you! Nenna Yvonne

Monday, November 15, 2010

I don't need a million dollar studio to cut a million dollar hit..but its nice to have also..Love my job! Nenna Yvonne
Ill do covers the day I run out of my own original self written songs to share with my fans. Thank you to everyone who supports entrepreneurial artists like me!
Watching one of my all time favorite bands on VH1..U2, Bono 1988

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What GOD Has In Store For Me, Not One "SINGLE SOUL"... Can Take From Me.
Nov. 17- SESAC headline performance, Nov.21st-30th- UK, Germany, Sweden and Finland. Dec.4th-5th-Music Video shoot for single 'Go Around', Dec. 22nd- Model Citizen Benefit Concert, Dec. 23-28th Christmas with My family, New Years-Perform live in Dubai. 2011- Nenna Yvonne Model Citizen Campaign Launches in UK!!
Welcome to Hollywood, don't let this town ruin you..

Friday, November 12, 2010

Getting a full body massage at the most luxurious hotel in Hollywood. I needed it from Last night shows! What a work out!
Just had 2 of the most amazing shows ever! My girls came out and showed love! Dtox almost lost his I phone..LOL but the show was amazing!!!Spa day tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today's just one of those chaotic days. There isn't enough hours in the day..

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Nothing worth having happens over night! You have to keep plugging away, stay dedicated, alert and strong. It's easy to succumb to weakness and temptations..NY
In Culver City at Sony Music Entertainment..Now headed to NBC Universal to discuss with producers about 2011 meeting with Jay Leno..
Just hired a new marketing consultant and marketing manager for The Nenna Yvonne Model Citizen Campaign 2011..
Nenna Yvonne is performing with Kristinia Debarge, Tyler Collins and Lil Zane at Model Citizen Benefit Concert Dec. 16th at Club Tatou for Ronald McDonald!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My favorite rappers for 2010:Kanye West, Jay-Z, Young Jeezy, Eminem, Lil Wayne, J-Cole..nuff said
The first female Nigerian Born, Independent, Electro Pop Artist from NYC
Join me on my new page!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Model Citizen Campaign takes off in the UK. Photo shoot for promo tomorrow! The new reinvented Nenna Yvonne coming soon!
I don't have wealthy parents, I don't come from a family of legendary musicians or entertainers so I have 'connections', shoot I may be an immigrant..but one thing I KNOW I have is commitment. There isn't an instruction manual to life but I am dedicated to making it work for the better or worse..Nenna Yvonne
Spread Love! That's the Human way!

Friday, November 5, 2010

At the Automobile Club of Southern California looking at rentals for my music video.
I am the queen of Multi tasking. On the phone with my booking agent, hair stylist, makeup, wardrobe stylist and promoter all while getting ready to leave!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

So Lil Wayne gets out of Jail today! I'm sure the whole Cash Money Crew is super happy!!
Nenna Yvonne has teamed up with Ronald McDonald and Christina DeBarge for A Model Citizen Benefit Concert!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Headed to my friends mansion in Laguna Beach for dinner and music business talk..LOL
Making arrangements for shows, designing my new outfit for my show on the 11th, recording my single for my 2011 album release and writing a new song in one day!
You're going to fall a few times..even gain a few bruises along the way. Where the matter lies is whether you're able to get back up and keep fighting! N.Y.
Leaving for Germany on the 21st of November! So excited!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Ireland and parts of Africa on my 2011 Tour List..
Murphys Law in full effect. You do everything in your power to prevent a problem and still.
90 degrees in November..I LOVE it California!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

It doesn't matter if you finish first, last or in between. The point is you MUST finish the race! Words from my MOM. Love Her to pieces!
There is no short cut to success. You must suffer a little to enjoy the benefits..Wise words from my Mother! God Bless her!
Laying in a blanket of warmth and happiness..
Los Dias De Los Muertes..The Day Of the Dead in Los Angeles Cemetery is packed!! The moon is big and bright tonight..

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Hallow's Eve Everybody!! Be safe out there!!
My Family means the world to me. Just spoke with my dad and I am so happy to hear him doing better. I pray he fully recovers soon.Now to rehearsal for show 11th
Just bought me a new BMW happy!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Hello! My name is Nenna Yvonne. Some of you may know my music. Others of you may not. Listen up! IAMDTOX's got me working around the clock!!
At 6am I get a phone call from mom dukes asking me to counsel one of her students. I guess there isn't a task too big or small that can help impact a child..

Thursday, October 28, 2010

On the phone with Media, Press, Magazines and Producers for November 11th show at Club Tatou. Then rehearsal tonight with Janet Jackson choreographer...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My mentor Gladys Knight told me 'The Show MUST go on' and she's right!..

Monday, October 25, 2010

Gregory Isaacs, RIP...
Tomorrow night Nenna Yvonne performing at Sidebar - 1114 N Pacific Ave Glendale (91202). Hope you can make it!!!
Just found out my dad had a stroke while in the hospital..I need you all to please pray for him. He is the hardest working man I know..
Late night Thai Food, a movie and then bedtime! I have a 7am call time to feature on 'The Hills' star Lauren Conrad's new movie 'BFF & BABY'. Check out NY! xoxo

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Just performed for Interscope, Konvict Music and Dr Dre Camp..
Headed to the Pasadena Terrace to perform my hit song 'Some Girls' for Konvict Music. I got my glamorous outfit on! Ready to rock!
Goin going back back to Stockholm!!! Yay!
So I am super excited to learn that there is a strong chance of Nenna Yvonne going on tour for 2011. Ill be rehearsing all Winter while finishing up my album!!
Thank you Berry Gordon for the kind words..had a great evening..goodnight everyone!
Hands down Jay Leno is one of the coolest guys I've ever met!
Just met Quincy Jones! Holy Smokes!!!!
Just met Gladys Knight, Jay Leno, Marc Anthony, Akon and so many more celebs!! So exciting!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

In Beverly Hills on Wilshire watching Clive Davis give an amazing speech! I am so moved by the legendary momentum of this man..God Bless real music and talent.
Just met Akon at the Carousel Charity Benefit.. He is such a charmer..I am so excited to perform for him tomorrow at the Pasadena Terrace! Yay!
I'm all for water conservation. I can't stand when people waste water and use it recklessly..turn the faucet off when your done!
I LOVE designing my own stage costumes and jewelry. It's so much fun! I enjoy adding my own little creative Nenna Yvonne niche to each outfit for live shows!
Tomorrow night! Marc Anthony, Jennifer Lopez and Gladys Knight will be hosting The Carousel of Hope Fund raiser at the Beverly Hilton. I am excited to attend!
Stars all around me and still I shine brightest..wink***

Friday, October 22, 2010

Nenna Yvonne performing this Sunday, 8 P.M. at the Pasadena Terrace on 443 E Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91101
Yes I do model, Yes I do sing, Yes I do write and produce my own music, Yes I am an entrepreneur, Yes I am a strong woman! Yes, it's my life and I own d results
Every day should be a check off list to the greater desires of your heart! Nenna Yvonne
Excuses are made for fears with little desire.
So today Nenna Yvonne was featured artist on LA Weekly!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Just performed at The Palms on Santa Monica BLVD. Love the stage! Had a great time!
Beautiful message I received today by fan: If the measure of a woman is her effect on a man's dreams...its because of you I can't wait to get to sleep again.
10,000 streams on Some Girls..hmmm now bad for an indie electro- pop girl! Oh well! These labels can eat their heart out! I am rockin' it!
A special shout out to all my twitter followerz..I am psyched to introduce my debut full length album to ya'll very soon.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dude I just witnessed a pick up truck hit a school bus full of kids!! WTF is going on?
I am literally parked on the 405 Freeway due to a major car accident..I am starting to believe that LA drivers are a bit insane..
I know you're not suppose to talk about how much you make or spend in entertainment but 30,000 on studio equipment and recording sessions! That's ridiculous!
So Beyonce is Pregnant! Finally!!! LOL..way to go B!
The strangest yet amusing gift I have ever received on Halloween is a kit kat with a note attached saying 'Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar!!'Oh Boy!LOL
Just thinking about the long 11 hour flight Sweden makes me sigh..the flight to Africa which is 22 hours makes me wanna click my heels 3 times..LOL

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I think I am going to start calling 'Facebook'...'Fazebook'..wonder what the next billionare will come up with..? I tell you one thing though..only in America!
Never take yourself too serious..aint none of this brand new...smh
For the first time I am hearing thunder and lightning in Los
At the Capital Grille in Beverly Hills..
Sometimes you'll be put to the test. People will say hurtful things about you to get a rise out of uThe true test is how you handle it. Show them you are bigger
Tribe Called Quest is DOPE!!!!
Drop the ego, lose the're already here might as well enjoy the ride..
Like seriously some artists act like their handicapped or their too god to interact with the same fans who gave them a name. Those are the music impostors!
Huge David Axel Rod fan..

Monday, October 18, 2010

'My Filet is smoking weed, yea the stakes are high' Nice play on words Eminem..
1,000 fan mails in 3 that's a record breaker for little old me..
It feels like Christmas in October..LOL
If you LOVE Madonna as much as I do then LIKE this post..hahhaha
I seriously LOVE watching Entourage, Dexter and Mad Men...All my favorite shows to watch latenights..even the reruns..

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

The judicial system can be so cruel. How they gonna send TI back to jail for another 11 months? He just saved a mans life? Shouldn't that count for something?
I think music runs through my veins. When I hear production that I love, the lyrics and melody come almost instantaneous..I know I was born to do this..
Nenna Yvonne performing at The Burgundy House. 6602 Santa Monica Blvd. 10:30 P.M. sharp!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Just finished performing at Key Club! The energy is high, the base was pumping, the crowd was dancing! The interview was great! Had a blast!
Have your have the world..Nenna Yvonne
So my friend at Harvard thinks my job is cool while I keep telling him his job as a computer software engineer and developer is so much more cool..go figure
The fact is you weren't alive in that era, you're alive in this one, now make another generation want to be a part of yours..

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Going back to Europe this November...Then moving to new condo next this week and next week..on top of it rehearsals and fitting with stylist!!! I am officially

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Independent and International...I know they gonna hate me but 2011 is about to be ridiculous!!! New songs on some next galaxy ish!!! New album will murder these "pop" acts hahaha!!!!! Nenna Yvonne..New Year..Not Your average...It's the Global Glam take over!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

These chicks out here mad cause I went to the left when they all went to the right. They asking 'Nenna, why U genre bending?You don't sound like the rest of us'

If you could ask God one question what would it be?

How do you truly get to heaven?

Music 10 years from now...

Just saw 'The Social Network' in Hollywood. LOVE that movie! A must see for all driven Entrepreneurs.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I LOVE how green Sweden is, and how Peaceful and clean Finland is, London reminds me a lot of New York because its so busy

Friday, October 8, 2010

Please guys don't forget to comment on itunes for my EP 'Model Citizen'. Tell us your favorite songs and which you would love to hear more of on the radio!!
Happy 70th Birthday John Lennon. Still listening to your records..

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

With anything you do in life, it's all about practice and preparation..
I had a great meeting with Universal Republic Yesterday. They love Nenna Yvonne. I am excited to see what the future holds. Now to catch my flight back to LA
I know it's hard in a world where image and skin color is focused on but when your comfortable in who you are those small things begin to matter less..NY

Monday, October 4, 2010

Thank you Trash and Vaudeville for supporting Nenna Yvonne!!
It feels good to have my health and strength back..although its raining in New York, I feel like I can take over the world again. Nothing can bring me down..

Saturday, October 2, 2010

New York, New York! Feels so good to be back home..Been around the world and I must admit, there is NO WHERE like the big apple! You built me strong..Thank you!
In Denver, Coloroda..
Feeling a bit under the weather...All this traveling is starting to get me sick..took some vitamins and headed to airport..Meeting with Sony Monday Morning..

Friday, October 1, 2010

Meeting today was great.. I was referred to as 'A Force of Nature'..LOL

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

British Airways! Take off!!
EP 'Model Citizen available on every major digital retailer worldwide..Visit for details..

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Every artist has a story to tell..I think mine is a unique and captivating one..hoping for the day to share it with the world..
Wrote and cut my first electro pop country blues song today..No easy thing to do..thanks Dtox for making it come to life..LOL
Beyonce is the ish!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm off to London in just two days! Not sure what to pack! Then from there is Monte Carlo then Sweden to write new slamming songs with top European producers!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

I'll be in New York from the 1st of October to the 4th for my mothers Birthday..which happens to fall under the same day as Nigerian Independence Day..
Mainstream with Substance..:)
It's good to give..

Friday, September 17, 2010

Going to get my 17 inch Mac Book Pro today at the Apple Store. I'm gonna need something to do on the 17 hour flight to London..
Had a great time enjoying Red Velvet Cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory with Dtox and lawyer..

Thursday, September 16, 2010

From Los Angeles to London then I fly from there to Sweden back to Monte Carlo. From there I fly back to New York then back to Los Angeles all within 10 days!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

'Anything is possible'- Words by My inspiration Dtox
Building a custom Ferrari for my friend! Didn't realize there were so many shades of blue for a car..LOL

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

NYC is the Mecca of Fashion! We RUN Fashion week!!!
Leaving for London in exactly 10 days! I have so much prepping to do!

Monday, September 13, 2010

The difference between me and other popular artists out now is that you can sing my songs 20 years from now and they'll still have substance.Going for Longevity

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Word of advice to anyone asking for a feature. Ego, arrogance and pride won't get you very far..

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Whether it's Bono or Beethoven, good music is good music..
I just sent a warm Thank You letter to clear channel for supporting Indie Pop artists such as Nenna Yvonne. I appreciate all the features on their websites!!

Nenna yvonne MR Heartbreaker

I finally say 'Why did I get married too' and I must say Janet Jackson is an amazing artist and actress! She is one of my role models..

Friday, September 10, 2010

I am working on a completing my first book, finishing up my full length album, talking to radio program directors all over the world and setting up a photoshoot
Nenna Yvonne on Z100 'New York Hit Music Station' playing my song "Some Girls"!!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Who else but DTOX can take apart an entire MOTIF ES6 keyboard and fix the whole thing back manually with crazy glue.takes a very special person to have datskill

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Put a little ground work in and now I have hair, makeup, wardrobe stylists and photographer all ready to join the Nenna Yvonne movement..
Metallica, Ray Charles, Janis Joplin and Garfunkel all in my ipod on repeat..I appreciate what they have contributed and innovated through their passion 4 music
It's funny how you can knock on the same door 100 times and never get a single response. But just as your ready to give in you give it one last knock and alas!
I've invested my entire life into this..There's no turning back now..

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where there's a will, there's a way..I have never known to just stop doing what I love because others have deemed it as impossible..

Sunday, September 5, 2010

At the Los Angeles PhilHarmonic's Hollywood Bowl watching Twentieth Century Fox Orchestra scores by Paul Newman and his son Alfred Newman
'Shiny Toy Guns' are such a sickkkkkk band!!!!!
Did you know in the early 20's there were as many subway stations in LA as there are in New York. The auto industry came and wiped that out.
Is there a fluent group of people that speak latin? We base the english language around it but is there a domesticated group of people who actually speak it?
My inspiration for the evening Elton John. Amazing artist!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

At the Beverly Wilshire hotel at Restaurant 'Cut'. Great food!!!
Do what you say to the best of your ability and just be real..
'I try to catch my breath but it excites my fears..'Nenna Yvonne

Nenna Yvonne Music Video

Just sat outside on a mountain top starring at the big dipper and little dipper. The stars really are amazing. They look like fire flies in the night sky..

Friday, September 3, 2010

'Something here isn't adding up. With all your restrictions and your guard way up. Tell me, just how far are you willing to go?'
My music inspiration for the day-Oyster Blue Cult- 'Burnin For You'
At swingers with Brandon Howard..
Listening to Grace Jones on Youtube! She is phenomenal. She is my inspiration for the evening..

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just spoke with my mommy and daddy. They're so proud of me and I love them very much! Best parents ever!!!
Anita Baker is my inspiration for the evening..

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

There is nothing wrong with holding on to your virginity..
Listening to Paul Oakenfold, Tiesto, Armen Van Buren..
At University of Southern California..
The war in Iraq ends today!!! Thank God!! Tune in to your local news channel at 8pm today to hear Obama give the official speech!!
Sometimes if you want things done right, you just have to do it yourself..

Monday, August 30, 2010

My secret weapon: D- Tox..Together we are unstoppable. Nenna Yvonne
These past few weeks have been really difficult for Myself and Dtox. We have sacrificed so much to get this far. Thank you to everyone who has supported us !!
Please everyone log in to your MYSPACE and vote Nenna Yvonne for the Rock The Space winner!! Today is the LAST day for the contest

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sending out 'Some Girls' to over 20,000 radio stations worldwide.. Oatmeal Cream Pies softened by Nenna Yvonne Oatmeal Cream Pies softened by Nenna Yvonne: "Little Debbie products have been in existence since 1960 when O.D. McKee decided to package and sell his Oatmeal Cream Pies. Looking for a c..."
No matter where I'm headed I can never forget where I came from or who I am..

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Toyota Music - Nenna Yvonne Finalist Video

A HUGE shout out to Dtox. Today he sold his favorite Limited Edition mixer and I can see it hurts him. I'm here for you. All your hard work and sacrifice shows!
I sometimes wonder what the 70's was like for music. I wish I could have seen Bob Dylan, Carol King Janis Joplin and Peter Frampton write and perform their hits

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sharper then a box of razor blades..hee hee
At Panavision looking at cameras..
So I am in a waiting room to audition for Law and Order. I don't know much about acting because music is my world but I guess the emotional connection is there.
At the LA Philharmonics..

Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy and excited to know that being in LA is inspiring so many new concepts for songs..
It's ALL a gamble..The question is just how far are you willing to go ?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Nenna Yvonne - Some Girls Test Video (Not Official)

Nenna Yvonne - Some Girls Test Video (Not Official)

Nenna Yvonne feat. Nicki Minaj - End Of The World

Nenna Yvonne feat Drake Try Again Later

Nenna Yvonne Music Video

Nenna Yvonne - Commercial

Making of Nenna Yvonne Rock The Space Video Shoot

Toyota Music - Nenna Yvonne Finalist Video

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dear God, please have mercy on all children of this world. Help every child to know what love, strength, courage and education is, In your name we pray..Amen
Never take medicine right before you get on stage! Makes everything seem so much higher..I should probably eat something healthy like a fruit!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Technology has really advanced in the world of music
So apparently there's a movie coming out about Facebook. Saw the trailer and Zuckerman seems like he might be interesting on the big screen..

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

There's only two ways I respond to any man who calls a woman a 'hoe', that's with my fist or a cold shoulder. LOL..I'm laughing but I'm also very serious!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Saw 'The Other Guys' last night and I still think Will Ferrell is hilarious..
My role model will forever be Michelle Obama. We can all learn a thing or two from that woman! She is spectacular!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What does Nenna Yvonne have in common with a porn star, a drag queen and an Ex con? LOL

Friday, August 13, 2010

I LOVE awkward moments. They bring out the most natural and instinctive emotions any human can feel.
LOVE watching the History channel. Just learned that the Japanes have invented an 'invisibility cloak' like in the Harry Potter movie! It's so cool!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I create short term and long term goals for myself. I make my list and I stick to it! So focused..
Just made some delicious Western style steak on the grille. Who wants some? LOL
Paul Walker is just tooo fine..LOL. There are some really sexy men in this new film 'The Takers'
I can't WAIT to announce some MAJOR news I just heard about the Nenna Yvonne movement! In a few short weeks it will ALL come to light! I told yall I won't stop!
I think these 'artists' are running out of ideas for new songs LOL. It's a good thing I'm not!
This day just keeps getting better and better..LOL
If ANY Chinese restaurant advertises their food for ONE dollar, make sure you RUN the other way!! LOL!!!ahahahah

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Headed to the studio in Venice Beach to ignite some flame in my Neuman U47..Hahaha..Time for some heat!
Everyone who doubted me is asking for forgiveness!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

If you're rockin' with me you get nothing but the best! Join my new page for updates! This page is full yall!!
In Bel Air with Dtox.
At the Beverly Hills Hotel having lunch with a very special individual..

Monday, August 9, 2010

I know it sounds cliche to say this but Never Give up! You are the creator of your own destiny. We ALL have to live by a cliche at some point in our lives..Why not NOW?.
A special shout out to FOX Networks for promoting Nenna Yvonne on MySpace website. Visit Yvonne for updates!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Association breeds similarity- NAS
Best friends with the Director of NBC Universal. Yes I am kind of a big deal. LOL
If you LOVE me, then why did you hurt me? If you cared, then why weren't you there? Now you're calling me/ texting me begging me back cause nothing compares..
It's amazing to watch these massive planes take off from the runway upclose!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Those late nights spent re cutting over 200 hours worth of vocals and promoting/emailing fans/booking shows and taking calls relentlessly is ALL paying off!!
Out of 18,000 submissions, Nenna Yvonne is now in the top 5 running for The Rock The Space Contest. Toyota/Vimby filmed my video last week for Myspace Records!
I'm excited to announce that I am now in the top 5 running for The Rock The Space Myspace/Toyota/Fender competition. I am hoping to get your votes to win!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Apparently I have a Jewish member of my family. I LOVE the culture and respect the traditions so naturally I gravitate to their respects and customs.
Living in the moment. Loving life and enjoying all it has to offer. Time to let go and let love find me again..

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

This thursday I meet famous film director Mark Headley. He wants Nenna Yvonne to star is his latest film through Lions Gate. My EP Model Citizen will be in it!
Off to see ' Dinner with the Schmucks'. I saw inception 2 days ago and let's just say you have to pay careful attention to understand the movie. It's also long.
Just because you're signed to a Major label doesn't make you a great artist. Eventually the fans will expect more of you and expose your limits. Longevity.
Moving to LA from NY is turning out to be such a headache. Shipping all my equipment across country is stressing me out and it's expensive!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Just saw Wendy Williams at Hammerstein Ballroom NYC. She's really friendly..
I LOVE how some people like to assume because of my skin color that I automatically sing R and B..then they hear my songs and they get all confused. LOL
In the studio writing for Jr Rothem/ Beluga Heights and Jason DeRulo/ Sean Kingston! Sooooo dope!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Just had grilled salmon with tangerines and pineapples. It was so good..

Saturday, July 31, 2010

At times I find myself thinking about heaven and what it's like. All the war heroes and legendary figures we have lost must be up there right now watching us..
At Armens Music Repair store in NYC. Time fore a new keyboard..

Friday, July 30, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

SO exhausted. Toyota flew Nenna Yvonne and D-tox back to New York for the Rock The Space Contest. We were all over the city today from Quad Studio to Rogue Salon.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm back in New York City!! My Home!!yay
Getting ready to board a flight back to NY for my video shoot and photoshoots.. All kinds of surprises popping up!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Certain things happen in life and you as a person have to grow from it. Find your inner strength and love yourself. No one and I mean NO ONE will appreciate you more then you can.. Glad to be back home.. Thanks again for all the FB love and support yall..
I'm backkkkkkkk...!!!! ;)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Today is your last chance to vote !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most of you know how hard Nenna Yvonne has been working on the release of her EP Model Citizen. She recently submitted her MTV hit single 'Some Girls' to the Rock The Space Toyota competition sponsored by Fender and Myspace records and out of 20,000 submissions, she was selected as a top ten finalists. Now we need your help to get Nenna Yvonne one step closer to landing a record deal through Myspace records. Please log in to your myspace and vote her very popular, hit song 'Some Girls', as the winning song for this years Rock The Space Competition. Your vote is greatly appreciated!

Vote Nenna Yvonne and support GOOD music!

Read more:
Rock Space Official MySpace Profile
Official MySpace Profile for Rock Space. Friend, comment, and share today!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to change anything.Appreciate the strong qualities you have and spread your knowledge with the world. Learn to embrace your strong point in order to over take the weak ones..NY

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I've got some of the biggest names in music asking who is Nenna Yvonne. There's something very special about this girl. Wink* wink*..

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My favorite childhood reading with a strong message on life!
You don't have to be fast to stay ahead of the game. Just believe in yourself and what you can do and your dreams will come true!
So I just heard I am supposedly meeting up with Rihanna for a live show before the year is up.. LOL..this should be interesting.
32,000 copies sold world wide! Nenna Yvonne and Dtox have already made history as the first Independent, self funded Electro Pop writing duo by way of NY!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

I'll just keep creating hits while the haters keep sucking their teeth from the sideline! LOL.. Oh and if you didn't know! I'm a f****ng ROCK STAR! LOLz
Am I the only one who likes to eat cashews as a snack..? LOL..
Never second guess your gut instincts. It's almost never wrong.

Friday, July 16, 2010

We can ALL influence one another in a positive way. Don't concern yourself so much on age, gender, or sexual orientation. Once you see the pro in others you will gradually find who you are as a person.
We can ALL influence one another in a positive way. Don't concern yourself so much on age, gender, or sexual orientation. See the good in others and you
I'm a true Nigerian born artist working hard to make it in the USA. If you're African, support your own! Make a statement! We won't got out without a fight!!! Vote Nenna Yvonne on
Hey guys I need fan support to win Rock The Space 2. Please vote Nenna Yvonne!!
Found out from a fan just now that apparently how much my music means to them. They said quote " There's now a cure for the summertime blues". Shout out to dave for the sweet comment!
They finally got the oil spill in the gulf coat to stop!!! yay!! no more dead sea animals!!!!!!
Everything in life happens for a reason. You meet certain people because they will influence your decision in who you become later on in life..
Remember meeting Jay- Z last Summer at the studio and he asked me to get him my cd to work with me. He was such a sweetheart. Thanks Jay. Can't wait to catch up

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Random Act of the Day: I open my front door and there's a man pinned up against the truck getting arrested by cops. Apparently it was a cop chase I witnessed!
Please vote! Use your voice and support Good music! It makes a difference!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

If I do surprise performance at club Greenhouse sponsored by Toyota and Myspace records who wants to come and party with me! The show will be televised and film
Vote Vote Vote Nenna Yvonne.. Your vote counts sooo much!
Time to bring out the grill and make my world famous hamburgers with my special sauce! LOL. Barbeque sauce!
OMG how I WISH I could share the new songs off my full length album! But I can't.. Not for another 2 months..

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I LOVE caprisuns!! I remember when I was 5 and my mom would pack one for me in my lunchbox. I still drink them till this day!
We are the fuel for a new renaissance in music
Guard your heart, free your mind..

Monday, July 12, 2010

I LOVE swimming now! It's so exhilerating! I couldn't swim but each day I am learning and getting better. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't do!
Honestly its really not about the beat...or track or production..whatever you want to call it. It's about the song. Dtox and I just cut 3 new monster songs. Most of the time i have the chorus before we even cut the song and I sing it to Dtox and he creates the production around the melodies. It's easy to find a beat. it's difficult to find an epic song( a song that will be on charts for at least six months is what I mean) My newest songs are going to Britany Spears, Rihanna, Pussy Cat Dolls Miley Cyrus and Beyonce..
You ARE beautiful..:)
Bigger then Life.. A Must see on the life and death of the greatest rapper that ever lived Biggie Smalls. Live footage of the day Biggie was murdered. Unreal..

Sunday, July 11, 2010

All the COOL KIDS know Nenna Yvonne
Off to the beach to do some writing, later on I think I'm going to grill steaks for dinner then back to the studio.
My one pet peave is dishes in the sink. I have to wash them when and if I see em..
I'm secretly fascinated with being a marksmen. I want to make it a hobby some day. Watching Top Shot on History Channel
Just ate some Yummy Japanese food. Hawaiian salad with Teriyaki skewer and popcorn steak. So good..
Just left the studio in Venice Beach to get some much needed sleep.
It racks my brain when I write a song on the spot but some of my best songs were written under pressure. Go figure! LOL. Can't keep Dtox waiting

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I am putting corn rows in my hair. No easy thing to do but comes in handy when there isn't a hair stylist around. With pink lipstick and hoops I look ghetto fab
Reading contracts while knocking out phone interviews! All while writing another hit for a recording session later this evening!
You CAN'T mention my CITY without mentioning my name. NY is Nenna Yvonne.
There's always a first time for everything..Nenna Yvonne on Roc4Life TV. Jay-Z Rocawear
Saw Titanic last night for what I swear is like the 20th time. I LOVE that movie! LOL

Friday, July 9, 2010

I think the word 'Baby' is the MOST used word in songs. Doesn't matter the genre or style, I noticed most songs have that word 'baby' in it..LOL..
Please you guys vote because you can! Log In to your MySpace Now and VOTE Nenna Yvonne for Rock The Space! Give NEW ORIGINAL music a chance to shine! Thankyou:)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Good music needs no introduction. It's timeless.
Some Girls like the weight of the world on the! Sorry if I NEVER feel this way! You think MY MIND is all you'll ever change. Some Girls! Some Girls!Some Gggirls
My German Shepard buddy loves to eat human food. LOL. He's soo cute!
Summer Must read! Great book about music!

This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession
Author: Daniel J. Levitin
Have you cast your vote yet? Log on to your myspace page NOW and vote Nenna Yvonne for this years Winner for Rock The Space 2010. Your vote DOES matter so click and ask your friends to vote Nenna Yvonne as well.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Finally went and saw Toy Story 3. It was sooo good in 3D! It's definitely a must see!
Most people don't know this bu Nicki Minaj, Alicia Keys, Kelis, Jennifer Aniston and Nenna Yvonne ALL have one thing in common. We went to the SAME high school!
I may not be the perfect girl but one thing no one can EVER take from me is my drive. Hardwork, dedication, talent and common sense goes a long way! God bless
Dtox and Nenna Yvonne NEVER quit! We WILL be at the GRAMMY next year!!
Great news! Nenna Yvonne has been selected as one of ten Semi-Finalists in “Toyota Music Rock the Space II” Contest for a chance to win a record deal with MySpace records! I need your votes guys!
Watching the 2010 Tour De France with Dtox! Go Lance Armstrong!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Nenna Yvonne is so EXCTED to announce her newest feature on Indie Rock Cafe!You've seen my features on Bloomberg weekly, Forbes Magazine, Kings of A&R and Business weekly. Please check out my latest cover!
Join me on

Sunday, July 4, 2010

So grateful to have professional parents who allow me to be myself and follow my dreams. I am truly blessed
Happy Birthday America!
To know the road ahead, ask those coming back - Chinese Proverb

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Playing pool with my bestie Dtox
I LOVE when a fan emails me and tells me how much my song helps them get through the day. It makes it. ALL worth while.
They say the highest form of flattery is imitation. Thanks

Friday, July 2, 2010

You girl Nenna Yvonne is working very hard alongside her partner Dtox to make something VERY special happen. Stay tuned on my Facebook and MySpace for updates!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

We made the impossible happen though our love..our love..uhuh..

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I went from 5 mentions on the web to 150,000 since the release of my EP Model Citizen. God is Good!
I NEVER SLEEP. Because my music needs me..
'Tell me. Just how far are you willing to go?'

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Nenna Yvonne in the studio with European DJ Avicii
Rappers needed for MTV Nationwide HIT song 'Bout Mine'. From Pop Sensation Nenna Yvonne.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Nenna Yvonne is here to break all racial stereotyping for an African Female Electro Pop Artist through One Hit Song after another..
Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch!
I need the hottest producers and DJ's to send me their version of Some Girls for a chance to feature on my next MTV appearance. Nenna Yvonne

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I need DJ's for a remix to a song 'Some Girls'! Hit me up if you feel like you got what it takes! Nenna Yvonne
I really appreciate the celebs I have met at the BET Awards. Next Year I will be up there by God's grace( Trey Songz, BoB, TI, Jay Z, and Drake).
Chris Brown KILLED it with the Michael Jackson rendition! O so DOPE!
Roxy is rocking the same jewelry from my music video 'Don't Know Me'..LOL
One day at a time I'm learning how to swim..
Whatever you about to discover, we off that! Cause you can't bring the future back!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Nenna Yvonne Bout Mine Remix
My music transcends beyond my fashion choice and my music always comes first.Stylistically, I get the instant connection; we both make music you want to dance to. However that’s where it ends.My songs are about what people are really thinking about when they aren’t thinking about love. I am not obsessed with creating music about love, I am more fascinated with making music about living out your dreams and encouraging people to be who they are. Serious Songs with a sick, fun dance beat!
Each song has it's own source of inspiration and a different message that any and everyone can gravitate to. I myself have a bold personality with many characteristics that I love to explore when trying to create a new song. Some Girls which has gained nation wide attention through the hit MTV Reality show, 'The City', is by far one of my most energetic and motivational songs I have ever written. It screams a message of self love and courage.
I just found out I'm a size 4 in dresses..Geez..I always thought I was a 2
Met Taraji Henson last night at this amazing club!

Friday, June 25, 2010

LA weather is definitely different from NY weather. The air is a lot fresher and this sun wears me out so early. Usually I can stay up all night but not lately.
Just left this amazing spa in Beverly Hills..I feel rejuvenated..
Just passed Juan Juan Hair salon in Beverly Hills
Today we honour the late Michael Jackson. This day marks the one year since the death of a legend. I will forever love and admire the work you have blessed us

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Shout out to the 2010 Summer Fest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin! Home of Dtox..
OBAMA IS ONE AMAZING PRESIDENT. I am so PROUD to be A Citizen of the U.S.A. Under his leadership!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

At my friends gorgeous mansion overlooking Beverly Hills. Barbecue tonight!!
Just left Encino Hill. Passed the house where Michael Jackson family lives
I am so loving LA and the huge pool in my backyard! Yay

Monday, June 21, 2010

I'd rather regret the things I have done then the things I haven't done..
Opportunity stems from the most unlikely places.
I am so grateful to have performed in front of 10,000 people with my online concert. I had such a great time. Thank you to all my fans for listening/watching!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The sky is the color of cotton candy. It looks so yummy right now. It's like a purple,blue,indigo,pink color all mixed in one..
Janet Jackson is the perfect example of why being sexy will NEVER go out of her
A SPECIAL Happy Fathers Day to all the Fathers and soon to be Fathers. Please cherish,love and support your child. Your thankyou will come from their success!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Once you find peace within yourself, you never again have to worry about proving anything to anyone. God will be your only Judge..
I have a small secret to share with my fans...So here it goes..You all know that I love music very much, it's my life and my source of elevation..but I get very nervous when singing. I love the stage and the excitement I get from the energy of my fans but my heart starts racing, my palms get sweaty and I get real nervous. I just want to give it my all and pour out my heart to you with these heartfelt songs that I write. I need your help and support to do this everyday.So please say yes you will help. Thank you..Love Nenna Yvonne
Dear God! Thankyou for the live you gave me. For the gift and wisdom you've blessed me with and the drive - I know there are those who have nothing to live for.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dtox is one hell of a mixing engineer
In due time the posers and the real genuine and talented people will be exposed..
self-restraint, in every respect, is the most difficult, yet rewarding quality for one to possess.
Things have been so crazy and hectic. Just emailed over 500 DJs.. My hands are killing me..
Sometimes I wonder if some people understand the true meaning of a word when they use it. As a writer I always have a dictionary at my side for exact definition

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A big 'Thankyou' to the secret admirer who left a lovely message for me today saying 'Those pictures do you no justice whatsoever'..
I've written over 100 songs inspired by my hometown New York City. If you could describe New York City in one word. What would it be?
I know you see me. If you have a free second stop and say hi. I promise it won't cost you anything.
NYC. Where Looking ridiculous and over the top is the norm. Home of the Gaga's and Dramas. Outcast,Mismatched,vagabonds,Loners,free spirits, cast aways rejects!
Congratulations to my younger sister . Today she flies out to North Carolina for the State Track Championship representing her school. I am so proud of you!
Today I have to take the Mega Bus with Dtox to my interview with WhoMag in Philadelphia and NJ.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I always find it so refreshing talking to my siblings. They have such strong opinions that I value dearly. I love them so much. I am blessed to have their love.
Sometimes I look at myself and I can't imagine how my little African self got this far in an industry dominated by men and my opinion is valued and appreciated.
I want to be forever young..
YES I AM an independent Nigerian Female ARTIST putting these Major Label Artists to shame.( Universal,Atlantic,Interscope,Sony BMG,Jay and Jive Records,etc.)
Just penned another hit! Yes You can call me the Triple Threat.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Blood, Sweat and Tears..I just wipe em off and say hi to the haters and keep going! Try Me!
Finally I have hit my 100,000 mark on Nenna Yvonne searches online.
Eventually my life story and delegations will become a thought provoking and inspirational film to everyone who ever wondered..who is Nenna Yvonne?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My support system: My Mother. The MOSt Honest Woman I know..
Did anyone hear about the woman who found her abducted daughter on Facebook. This is getting kinda creepy..

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tape it
LET'S GO NIGERIA!!! FIFA World Cup 2010
If it's the last only thing I EVER do with my life, I swear I will find a way to reach out to help children who are abused,dying,hurting and hungry. I promise

Friday, June 11, 2010

Currently listening to the Knack..Why is it music from the 70s, 80's and 90's are still so good even till today and new music today only lasts for a few months.
Would somebody please explain to these young women that tatooes of your boyfriend are PERMANENT. If for whatever reason he turns into an EX, the tattoo STAYS!!
The mind must first be in a state of believing and not just hoping or wishing for something. An open mind is important in believing and a closed mind never inspires courage, faith or the power to believe.
To achieve greatness you have to be willing to sacrifice- Rahsaan Bahati (Accomplished cyclist and Activist)
New York is Nenna Yvonne.. NYC. Nenna Yvonne Campaign. Holla!!
Shout out to my MOM for keeping Dtox and myself fed during our very long and tedious recording sessions. It means a LOT to me
As the mind dictates your fear, it also dictates your thoughts and your actions...NY

Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's funny how I find myself sometimes writing lyrics to a song the way a rapper would a verse. Hah! I guess it's built in me!
OMG Dtox new production is unbelievable! I mean insanely retarded!!! I can't wait to get these vocals on em!! YES!! All we do is win!!
Lena Horne.I would have loved to meet such a courageous and strong woman before her passing but she's now in a better place watching aspiring women as myself.
I feel good. I LOVE giving back to my community fans. I donated some of my music gear and equipment to the Boys and Girls Club of America. Those kids loved it!!
The FIRST female artist to ever transmit a song through outer space. That means if there are aliens they will hear my song ' In The Past'.
To book Nenna Yvonne for a Live show please email me at Thank you!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

If ANY man OR woman disrespects you.. CUT THEM OFF. Immediately..And I say that out of humility and respect for others. Thanks..
If anyone has music to send me please go to

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Strong possibility that Nenna Yvonne will be at the 2010 BET awards. More to come..
Just left from meeting at Universal.. They adore Nenna Yvonne
Its' NOT a race thing! When a child is hurting and lost, it's up to us as a world community to help build them up and empower them into elevating their lives!

Monday, June 7, 2010

How anyone could ever hurt an animal is beyond me. I Love all creatures created in god
Have you guys heard of the man who has eaten and drank anything in 70 years? He could be of great help for scientists trying to go to Mars..WOW
Germany makes some of the best built mics I've ever used.
When you're on the rise to the top, you will always find those who try to bring you down, discredit your work, and throw dirt on your name.Thank God I am strong

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fabolous rocked the stage! He is def on my radar for a collab!!
Headed home from Summer Jam! Trey Songz had the girlz gng nuts and Talib was sooo dope! Shout out to Drake for chatting it up with Nenna Yvonne backstage!
Drake killed it! Usher closed out and Funk Master Flexx had the whole stadium dancing! As for me VIP suites all day!
Camron just walked on stage!